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Annual Report

UNFPA Annual Report 2018

Active in Nepal since 1971, UNFPA has supported the health-sector programme, enhanced the national response to gender-based violence, and implemented the population and housing cen...

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Right to Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health Act 2075

नेपालको संविधानद्धारा प्रदत्त महिलाको सुरक्षित मातृत्व तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी हकको सम्मान  संरक्षण र परिपूर्ति गर्नको लागि मातृत्व तथा प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य सेवालाई सुरक्षित...

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Declaration on National Family Planning Conference

Kathmandu Declaration on: National Conference on Family Planning 2075: “Reaching the Unreached” 

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Family Planning for Health and Development

Access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right. Family planning is the information, means and methods that allow individuals to decide if and when to have children. Thi...

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United Nations Development Assistance Framework for Nepal (2018-2022)

At the core of this new UNDAF are the SDGs, the Government of Nepal’s Fourteenth Plan, and international commitments and norms to which Nepal is a party. Leaping off from the...

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UNFPA Country Programme Document for Nepal (2018-2022)

This 8th Country Programme Document of UNFPA for Nepal, approved by the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund and the Unit...

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Trainers' Guide

Well-trained, supporting and motivated teachers play a key role in the delivery of high-quality sexuality education. In this regard, UNFPA, the UN reproductive health and righ...

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Teachers' Resource Material

Well-trained, supporting and motivated teachers play a key role in the delivery of high-quality sexuality education. In this regard, UNFPA, the UN reproductive health and rights ag...

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संरक्षण विषयगत क्षेत्रको राष्ट्रिय रणनीतिक कार्ययोजना २०७३

भू–धरातलीय बनावटको कारण प्रत्येक वर्ष नेपालका विभिन्न भूभागमा प्राकृतिक प्रकोपका घटनाहरू जस्तै बाढी, पहिरो, भूकम्प, आगलागी, हुरीबतास, असिना वर्षा, खडेरी, अनिकाल तथा महामारी आ...

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