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दिगो विकास लक्ष्यहरू, मेरो जिम्मेवारी

संयुक्त राष्ट्रसंघले १५ देखि २४ वर्षका व्यक्तिलाई युवाका रूपमा परिभाषित गरेको छ भने १० देखि १९ वर्षबीचका लाई किशोरकिशोरी भनेको छ । राष्ट्रिय युवा नीति नेपाल  २०१० ले १६ देखि ४...

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Integrated Training Package on Emergency Preparedness and Response for Rapid Response Team

Nepal is a disaster-prone country and faces various types of natural and manmade disasters, the most frequent natural disasters being floods and landslides. Nepal also lies in an e...

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अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुलाबारे जानकारी

योनीबाट निरन्तर रुपमा पिसाब वा दिसा वा दुबै चुहिने समस्यालाई अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुला भनिन्छ । लामो र कठिन प्रसव व्यथाको अवस्थामा, दक्ष प्रसुतीकर्मीबाट सही समयमा उपयुक्त सेवा नपाउनाले...

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Technical Reports and Document

Nepal Earthquake 2015: A Socio-Demographic Impact Study

The 2015 earthquake in Nepal and the subsequent aftershocks resulted in losses not only in terms of lives and physical infrastructures but also of historical, social, cultural and ...

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Technical Reports and Document

Study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps in Nepal

This study aims to determine the prevalence of selected reproductive health (RH) morbidities, namely pelvic organ prolapse (POP), obstetric fistula, cervical cancer and human papil...

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Technical Reports and Document

Study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps in Nepal

These publications are a summary of the Study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps in Nepal and a presentation prepared for t...

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My SDGs, My Responsibility

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is expected to shape the world’s common future for at least the next 15 years. With half of the world under the age of 30, it is cruc...

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Fact Sheet: Child Marriage in Nepal

This fact sheet was prepared by UNFPA Nepal for the purpose of informing parliamentarians, policymakers, political parties, civil society leaders, development partners, women, youn...

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Fact Sheet: Maternal Mortality in Nepal

This fact sheet was prepared by UNFPA Nepal for the purpose of informing parliamentarians, policymakers, political parties, civil society leaders, development partners, women, youn...

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