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Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Functionality and Utilization of RMNCAH Services by Clients in Public Sector Health Facilities of Nepal

This study assessed the functionality and utilization of essential reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (RMNCAH) services during the COVID-19 pandemic and ...

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स्तनपान तथा कोभिड-१९ सम्बन्धी प्रायः सोधिने प्रश्नहरू

यस प्रायः सोधिने प्रश्न सम्बन्धी प्रकाशनले निम्न पक्षहरूलाई समेट्छ : अ) आमाको दूधबाट शिशुमा कोभिड—१९ सर्न सक्ने जोखिमका विषयमा उपलब्ध प्रमाण आ) स्तनपान र आमाको छालाको स्प...

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Diversity in Dialogue: Pledge and Checklist

An equal and inclusive society demands inclusion of voices from all paths. The United Nations in Nepal and development partners have pledged to Promote Diversity in Dialo...

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National Medical Standard for Reproductive Health

The manual is designed to provide policy-makers, provincial and municipal health officers, hospital directors, clinical supervisors, and health service providers with accessible, c...

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CSE flip chart

This flip chart provides age-appropriate information and knowledge on different components of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), including sexual and reproductive health...

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COVID-19 and Harmful Practices in Nepal

The purpose of the Gender Equality Update is to facilitate a multi-level and multi-sectoral approach through recommendations for humanitarian and development actors responding to C...

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Policy Brief: Legal Landscape of Gender-biased Sex Selection in Nepal

Nepal has been identified as a country with a strong preference for son ever since the World Fertility Surveys first documented the phenomenon in the 1980. The country has bee...

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Information Leaflet on Nepal's Law Against Sexual Violence

कसैले कुनै महिलालाई निजको मञ्जुरी नलिई करणी गरेमा जबरजस्ती करणी हुन्छ । यो समाग्री जबरजस्ती करणी विरुद्ध कानूनको जानकारीका लागि महिला, कानुन र विकास मञ्चले यूएनएफपिएको सहयोगमा तयार...

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Fact Sheet: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Nepal

This fact sheet explains the present situation of sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Nepal. The Government of Nepal is committed to realizing rights and choices for all a...

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