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Japan supports UNFPA’s lifesaving assistance for women and girls affected by earthquake

Japan supports UNFPA’s lifesaving assistance for women and girls affected by earthquake

Japan supports UNFPA’s lifesaving assistance for women and girls affected by earthquake

calendar_today 13 May 2015

The UN agency is scaling up its response

Kathmandu, Nepal - May 13, 2015: The United Nations Population Fund expresses its gratitude to the Government of Japan for its generous contribution of USD 1 million towards UNFPA's lifesaving interventions for women and girls in Nepal affected by the devastating earthquake of April 25.

The Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs made the formal announcement yesterday, noting the vital importance of UNFPA's work on the ground in the wake of the disaster. The funds are in response to the request by UNFPA Nepal to donors under the wider United Nations Flash Appeal to cover relief needs following the 7.8-maginitude earthquake.

"We are truly thankful to the Government and the people of Japan for this humanitarian gesture," said Giulia Vallese, UNFPA Nepal Representative. "We will ensure that the funds are strategically and efficiently utilized to ensure maximum reach and impact for our beneficiaries, across the worst-affected districts in the crucial weeks and months ahead. The monsoon is just weeks away, and time is of the essence."

The Government estimates that 1.5 million women and girls are affected in the 14 most affected districts, including about 600,000 adolescent girls. Out of these there are about 126,000 pregnant women, from whom 10,000 would deliver each month.

UNFPA Nepal and its partners on the ground will provide a range of services for these vulnerable populations: With this additional support UNFPA is:

• Procuring Reproductive Health Kits, which are designed to respond to three month's need for various population sizes. The kits contain all that is needed to enable clean delivery, treatment related to sexual violence, clinical delivery, treatment of sexually-transmitted infections, management of miscarriage, suture of tears and various contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. 
• Distributing Dignity Kits containing items such as clothes, sanitary napkins, flashlights and other essentials that restore a sense of wellbeing and dignity to women of reproductive age. These are cost-effective items, but significant funds are required to meet the estimated demand of the 165,000dignity kits requested in the flash appeal. 
• Working to help prevent sexual and gender-based violence through the creation of women friendly spaces, the distribution of dignity kits, and prevention outreach activities. This includes responding to the treatment and care of survivors of violence by ensuring adequate supplies and trained health workers are in place; ensuring confidentiality and dignity of the women and girls involved; and promoting establishment of multisectoral support including health care through clinical management of rape, as well as psychosocial support and case management services along with legal aid, police and security assistance, and socioeconomic support.

"Japan has long been a key humanitarian player globally, including across Asia and the Pacific, the world's most disaster-prone region, and indeed Japan itself has experienced significant natural disasters of its own," noted Bernard Coquelin, UNFPA Senior Emergency Coordinator for the response to the Nepal earthquake. "UNFPA has counted on the Japanese government time and again in emergencies such as this, and they have always responded. Once again, on behalf of our partners including the Government of Nepal, implementing partners in the field, and, of course, the women and girls we seek to help and support, our heartfelt thanks."

For more information, or media interviews, please contact:
Santosh Chhetri, UNFPA Nepal Advocacy and Communications Officer
+977 1 552 3880 / +977 9801056028 


For more on UNFPA Nepal's lifesaving work on the ground in Nepal, please read our compelling stories athttp://nepal.unfpa.org

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