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Population dynamics and data

Population dynamics and data

Population dynamics and data

Improving the data ecology in Nepal, UNFPA programmes also support the strengthening of the collection, analysis, dissemination, and use of disaggregated evidence for sustainable and resilient development for all, including those most left behind. We provide technical assistance, capacity building, and advocacy to strengthen the government’s capacity for the digitalization of data systems and to collect, analyze, and disseminate disaggregated population data, including censuses and surveys, and the strengthening of civil registration of vital statistics across all administrative levels, with a focus on addressing inequalities. UNFPA’s support includes supporting the government to produce standardized common operational datasets including population statistics from the census and projections to guide preparedness, response, and monitoring in humanitarian contexts and promoting use of these standardized datasets by all humanitarian agencies so as to harmonize their actions.


The UNFPA also has a focus on strengthening maternal and perinatal death surveillance response systems, health management information systems, and gender-based violence administrative data systems; equipping policymakers with knowledge and skills on population and development and interlinkages with sustainable development; providing support for the analysis of population megatrends, including fertility decline, the demographic dividend, population ageing, urbanization, and internal migration; and promoting gender equality and social inclusion.