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Population Monograph of Nepal 2014 Volume III: Economic Demography

Population Monograph of Nepal 2014 Volume III: Economic Demography
Population Monograph of Nepal 2014 Volume III: Economic Demography



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Population Monograph of Nepal 2014 Volume III: Economic Demography

Publication date

31 January 2014

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The Population Monograph of Nepal 2014, an analytical report of the census 2011 presented in three volumes contains in-depth analysis of different topics related to the population of the country prepared by the eminent professionals dealing with such issues in their professional work. The first volume contains 12 chapters related to the population dynamics of Nepal, such as size and structure of the population, nuptiality, fertility, mortality, migration and population projections.
This second volume contains 10 chapters on social demography dealing with caste/ethnicity, language, ageing, socioeconomic characteristics, status of gender, education, adolescents and youth, children and disability. Similarly, the third volume consists 9 chapters which include important interlinkages of population and economic variable such as economic activities, urbanization, economic development, environment, status of agriculture and other poverty indicators. Data has been disaggregated by caste, ethnicity, gender and spatial distribution wherever possible.
