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Nepal Adolescents and Youth Survey 2010/11 Highlights

Nepal Adolescents and Youth Survey 2010/11 Highlights
Nepal Adolescents and Youth Survey 2010/11 Highlights


Number of pages



Population Division/MoHP

Annual Report

Nepal Adolescents and Youth Survey 2010/11 Highlights

Publication date

01 January 2011

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In 2010, Ministry of Health & Population (MoHP)/Government of Nepal had commissioned a nationally representative household survey on Adolescent and Youth (NAYS). The main purpose of the survey was to generate adolescent and youth specific data that would be useful for formulating policies, plans and programme interventions related to various dimensions of adolescent and youth (A&Y) ages 10-24 years in Nepal. A selected national consulting firm, Rural and Alternative Energy Pvt. Ltd., implemented the survey for MoHP in 2010 and submitted the survey report in August 2011. 
