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15 September 2023
unfpa representative speaking at the national conference on population and development

Speech by the UNFPA Representative at the National Conference on Population and Development 2023

I am truly honored to speak before this diverse gathering of esteemed delegates. On behalf of UNFPA, I want to express my sincere thanks to the... Read more

1 September 2023
Press Release
ICPD consultation with parliamentarians

Engaging parliamentarians to advance ICPD commitments

UNFPA in collaboration with the National Concern and Coordination Committee of the Federal Parliament, and the National Forum of Parliamentarians on... Read more

19 August 2023
Picture depicts UNFPA engaging with the affected communities in Doti

A transformative journey through disasters

In the midst of devastation, the women of Doti continue to embrace change and stand united, demonstrating that adversity can be turned into an... Read more

12 August 2023
Press Release
Young people at the ICPD Youth Consultation in Kathmandu

Empowering youth voices ahead of ICPD+30

In commemoration of International Youth Day 2023, UNFPA organized a critical youth-led consultation with over 75 young people in Kathmandu to hear... Read more

3 August 2023
© UNFPA Nepal/Luis Tato

A new start

“Women who experience violence in their lives should not hesitate to seek support and should not tolerate violence in their lives.” This is important... Read more

1 July 2023
© UNFPA Nepal/Luis Tato

The power of choice

Punita stresses that “family planning gives us the power of choice in our lives, and we can decide when we want to have children, and this helps us... Read more

9 June 2023
© UNFPA Nepal/Luis Tato

It is good to talk!

Couple discussions promote healthy relationships, and develop non-violent conflict resolution skills, and positive masculinities in families and... Read more

2 June 2023
© UNFPA Nepal/Luis Tato

Sisters looking forward to their futures

“I didn’t know that we should not get married before the age of 20 because everyone around me was getting married when I became a teenager. Even my... Read more

30 May 2023
© UNFPA Nepal/Luis Tato

Informing futures, changing lives

As adolescents mature, they experience enormous changes, in their sexual and reproductive lives. Especially in Nepal’s rural communities where... Read more

25 May 2023
Young Hong, UNFPA Nepal Representative speaking at the national conference on comprehensive sexuality education.

Editorial - Comprehensive sexuality education is an accelerator for the new economy

As one part of securing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people, comprehensive sexuality education is key to the continued... Read more
