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Family Planning for Health and Development

Family Planning for Health and Development
Family Planning for Health and Development


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Ministry of Health and Population, Sunaulo Parivar Nepal, UNFPA, UKAid


Family Planning for Health and Development

Publication date

03 April 2019

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Access to safe, voluntary family planning is a human right. Family planning is the information, means and methods that allow individuals to decide if and when to have children. This IEC material has been prepared to increase awareness of family planning among Nepali couples and individuals.

व्यवस्थित परिवार भनेकै सुखी परिवार हो । परिवारको योजना कसरी गर्ने, यसका फाइदा के-के हुन, परिवारको योजनाका साधनहरु के-के हुन भन्ने बारे जानकारी प्रदान गर्न यो सामग्री तयार पारिएको हो ।



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