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The 2021 Nepal Population and Housing Census Support Project

The 2021 Nepal Population and Housing Census Support Project
The 2021 Nepal Population and Housing Census Support Project



Number of pages




Technical Reports and Document

The 2021 Nepal Population and Housing Census Support Project

Publication date

29 August 2023

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To support the Government of Nepal with the 2021 Census, UNFPA collaborated with likeminded partners – the British Embassy Kathmandu and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation – with a common goal of improving the socioeconomic well-being of Nepal’s people in an inclusive and accountable federal state through support to the 2021 Census of Nepal. This knowledge brief outlines the components and benefits of the collaboration, challenges, lessons learned and achievements of this exercise - from start to finish.

Given the detailed planning and unique execution of census related tasks spanning a five-year period in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, global economic instability and elections, this knowledge product is intended to serve as a resource for development partners intent on engaging in large-scale technical development projects with governments, such as a population and housing census.

UNFPA, the British Embassy Kathmandu and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation are committed to continue to support the Government of Nepal to fully utilise census data to leave no-one-behind in the pursuit of sustainable development, and will to continue to invest in statistical system strengthening for a prosperous, inclusive Nepal.