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Stop stigma and discrimination, spread love

Stop stigma and discrimination, spread love

Press Release

Stop stigma and discrimination, spread love

calendar_today 23 June 2020

23 June 2020, Kathmandu: Today, the United Nations Country Team in Nepal - together with over 30 national and international organisations - collectively launched the #मायाफैलाऔं #SpreadLove campaign, calling for an end to stigma and discrimination against people, amidst the ongoing COVID-19 crisis in the country.

It has been five months since the first person who had COVID19 was reported in Nepal. Since then, there have been alarming accounts of stigmatization against COVID-19 recovered people and their families, returnee migrant workers, health workers, and vulnerable groups, including people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and abilities. Right now, it is not only the virus itself that we must protect ourselves against. It is also fear, rumours and stigma. Our greatest powers are facts, reason and unity.

The #मायाफैलाऔं #SpreadLove campaign calls on everyone to spread messages of love and hope in support of those who are affected by the COVID-19 crisis.

We would like to thank all the amazing health workers and welcome all the workers who have returned home!

We are all in this together!  

Join the campaign today, end discrimination and #SpreadLove #मायाफैलाऔं

The collective press statement was issued by following organizations: FAO, ILO, IOM, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNHCR, UNIC, UNICEF, UNOPS, UNRC, UNV, UNWOMEN, WFP, WHO, USAID, United Mission to Nepal, Association of Community radio broadcaster, BBC Media Action, CARE Nepal, Catholic Relief Services, DCA, Felm-Nepa, FINRC, Handicap International, Helen Keller International, Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform  Nepal, IPAS, Lutheran, Mercy Crops, Nepal Red Cross Society, People in Need, Plan International, Practical Action, PSI, Save the Children, TDH, Tilganga, VSO International, WinRock International, World Vision, WWF and Yuwalaya.


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