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विपदको अवस्थामा किशोरकिशोरीको लागि यौन तथा प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्य सेवा सहयोगी सामग्री


This Toolkit is intended to guide humanitarian programme managers and healthcare providers in Nepal to ensure that sexual and reproductive health interventions put into place both during and after a crisis are responsive to the unique needs of adolescents.

It provides user-friendly tools for assessing the impact of a crisis on adolescents, implementing an adolescent-friendly Minimum Initial Service Package, and ensuring that adolescents can participate in the development and implementation of humanitarian programmes. Other tools are specifically designed for healthcare providers to help them be more effective in providing and tracking services for adolescents at the clinic and community levels.

The global package was adapted by the Government of Nepal with support from UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, and Save the Children. 

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ओझेल पछिको उज्यालो


This booklet in Nepali features stories of struggles and triumphs of women and adolescent girls from all walks of life. It was published by UNFPA Nepal on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child 2014 in recognition of the importance of investing in and empowering adolescent girls and of preventing and eliminating the various forms of harmful practices that adolescent girls suffer from, including gender-based violence and child marriage.


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Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran


The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. It aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).

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Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran


The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. It aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).


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Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran


The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. The package aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).


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Adolescent Job Aid


This Nepali edition of Adolescent Job Aid is a handy desk reference tool for health workers (trained and registered doctors, nurses and clinical officers) who provide services to children, adolescents and adults. It aims to help these health workers respond to their adolescent patients more effectively and with greater sensitivity. It provides precise, step-by-step guidance on how to deal with adolescents when they present with a problem or a concern about their health or development.

It comprises three main parts:

Part 1: The clinical interaction between adolescents and health workers.

Part 2: Algorithms, communication tips and frequently asked questions on 25 presentations related to developmental conditions, pregnancy-related conditions, genital conditions including sexually transmitted infections, HIV and other common presentations.

Part 3: Information for adolescents and their parents or other accompanying adults on important health and development issues.


किशोरावस्थामा शारीरिक, मनोवैज्ञानिक र सामाजिक परिवर्तनहरू भइरहेका हुन्छन् । यस्तो परिवर्तन हुने क्रममा आफ्नो शरीरमा भइरहेका विभिन्न परिवर्तनहरूका बारेमा उनीहरूको मनमा विभिन्न प्रश्नहरू वा जिज्ञासाहरू आउनु स्वाभाविक हुन्छ । किशोरकिशोरीलाई स्वस्थ रहिरहन वा स्वास्थ्य समस्याबाट मुक्त गराउन स्वास्थ्यकर्मीले ठूलो भूमिका खेल्ने हुनाले स्वास्थ्यकर्मीका लागि यो सहयोगी पुस्तिका तयार गरिएको हो । 


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Social and Financial Skills Package - Rupantaran


The Social and Financial Skills Package (SFSP) contains 15 modules. The package aims at empowering adolescent girls through weekly sessions that are conducted by social mobilizers and facilitators over a period of nine months. In collaboration with the Department of Women and Children, UNFPA is supporting this life skills training, locally called “Rupantaran” (transformation).  


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Population Monograph of Nepal 2014 Volume III: Economic Demography


The Population Monograph of Nepal 2014, an analytical report of the census 2011 presented in three volumes contains in-depth analysis of different topics related to the population of the country prepared by the eminent professionals dealing with such issues in their professional work. The first volume contains 12 chapters related to the population dynamics of Nepal, such as size and structure of the population, nuptiality, fertility, mortality, migration and population projections.
This second volume contains 10 chapters on social demography dealing with caste/ethnicity, language, ageing, socioeconomic characteristics, status of gender, education, adolescents and youth, children and disability. Similarly, the third volume consists 9 chapters which include important interlinkages of population and economic variable such as economic activities, urbanization, economic development, environment, status of agriculture and other poverty indicators. Data has been disaggregated by caste, ethnicity, gender and spatial distribution wherever possible.

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Population Monograph of Nepal 2014 Volume II: Social Demography


The Population Monograph of Nepal 2014, an analytical report of the census 2011 presented in three volumes contains in-depth analysis of different topics related to the population of the country prepared by the eminent professionals dealing with such issues in their professional work. The first volume contains 12 chapters related to the population dynamics of Nepal, such as size and structure of the population, nuptiality, fertility, mortality, migration and population projections.

This second volume contains 10 chapters on social demography dealing with caste/ethnicity, language, ageing, socioeconomic characteristics, status of gender, education, adolescents and youth, children and disability. Similarly, the third volume consists 9 chapters which include important interlinkages of population and economic variable such as economic activities, urbanization, economic development, environment, status of agriculture and other poverty indicators. Data has been disaggregated by caste, ethnicity, gender and spatial distribution wherever possible.


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Technical Brief of Facility Based Assessment for Reproductive Health Commodities and Services


The Global Programme to Enhance Reproductive Health Commodity Security (GPRHCS) is a unique and effective mechanism to deliver results in key priority countries. This UNFPA programme operates as a thematic pooled fund with a focused mission to ensure a secure, steady and reliable supply of quality reproductive health commodities and improve access and use by strengthening national health systems and services.

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