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Integrated Training Package on Emergency Preparedness and Response for Rapid Response Team


Nepal is a disaster-prone country and faces various types of natural and manmade disasters, the most frequent natural disasters being floods and landslides. Nepal also lies in an earthquake-prone zone and the 2015 earthquake was a devastating one. All these disasters not only cause deaths and casualties, but also displace people and cause infrastructural damage. Keeping this in mind, this Integrated Training Package on Emergency Preparedness and Response for Rapid Response Team (RRT) was drafted to enhance the emergency response capacity of RRT members during any kind of disaster, crisis or emergency. This publication was prepared by the Epidemiology & Disease Control Division (EDCD) with technical and financial support from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS).

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अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुलाबारे जानकारी


योनीबाट निरन्तर रुपमा पिसाब वा दिसा वा दुबै चुहिने समस्यालाई अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुला भनिन्छ । लामो र कठिन प्रसव व्यथाको अवस्थामा, दक्ष प्रसुतीकर्मीबाट सही समयमा उपयुक्त सेवा नपाउनाले अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुला हुन जान्छ । नेपालमा अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुला अदृश्य अवस्थामा रहेको एउटा प्रजनन् स्वास्थ्य समस्या हो ।  यस प्रकाशनले अब्स्टेट्रिक फिस्टुलाबारे जानकारी दिन्छ । 

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Nepal Earthquake 2015: A Socio-Demographic Impact Study


The 2015 earthquake in Nepal and the subsequent aftershocks resulted in losses not only in terms of lives and physical infrastructures but also of historical, social, cultural and economic aspects of the country and its population. Thirty-one out of the 75 districts were affected by this devastation with 14 of them located in the Central and Western mountains and hills including Kathmandu Valley and categorized by the Government of Nepal as the most affected1. An estimated 5.4 million people live in these 14 districts.
In order to carry out a Damage and Loss Assessment, the government conducted a Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) in May-June 2015 under the broader concept of building back better. While the PDNA assessed the damages of houses and buildings as well as the post-earthquake needs using a globally accepted methodology, it did not really focus on the socio-demographic impacts of the earthquake, that is, how households and communities had been affected, the level of local resilient social capacity to respond and how recovery and reconstruction efforts could be made more responsive.
Against this backdrop, it was decided to carry out this study in order to assess the socio-demographic impacts of the 2015 earthquake, with a focus on cultural diversity pertaining to household settings including caste/ethnicity, population dynamics (fertility, mortality, migration), as well as population size, composition and distribution. The study was meant to contribute to more cost-effective government policies on population dynamics resulting from the post-disaster context.  
This survey was conducted among affected households in the 14 districts using multiple approaches and both quantitative and qualitative techniques to measure the socio-demographic impacts of the earthquake. CDPS/Tribhuvan University led the overall research and study design, fieldwork training, survey tool refinements, sample design, and data collection and management with the support from Ministry of Population and Environment, UNFPA, and IOM. The fieldwork was carried out during 20 November – 15 December 2015 with a total of 3,000 households surveyed, which was a statistically representative number.

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Study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps in Nepal


These publications are a summary of the Study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps in Nepal and a presentation prepared for the 4th National Safe Motherhood Conference held in Kathmandu on 15 November 2016. The study aims to determine the prevalence of selected reproductive health (RH) morbidities, namely pelvic organ prolapse (POP), obstetric fistula, cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV-types 16 and 18), among women of reproductive age groups (15-49 years) attending RH camps in the country. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 15 districts under the leadership of the Family Health Division, the Ministry of Health, with technical and financial support from UNFPA by Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal.

The full report is available here.  

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Study on Selected Reproductive Health Morbidities among Women Attending Reproductive Health Camps in Nepal


This study aims to determine the prevalence of selected reproductive health (RH) morbidities, namely pelvic organ prolapse (POP), obstetric fistula, cervical cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV-types 16 and 18), among women of reproductive age groups (15-49 years) attending RH camps in Nepal. This cross-sectional study was carried out in 15 districts under the leadership of the Family Health Division, the Ministry of Health, with technical and financial support from UNFPA by Center for Molecular Dynamics Nepal.

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My SDGs, My Responsibility


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is expected to shape the world’s common future for at least the next 15 years. With half of the world under the age of 30, it is crucial that young people are put at the forefront of change and development. 

In Nepal, never before have there been so many young people. Right now Nepal has the largest productive youth population compared to the dependent population in its history. Therefore young people have the right to participate in decision-making processes at all levels. They have a crucial role to play in the implementation of the SDGs.

Because social change often starts with small individual steps, this booklet has been prepared to help young people in Nepal understand the SDGs and how the roles they plan can add up if they all do their part. 

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Fact Sheet: Child Marriage in Nepal


This fact sheet was prepared by UNFPA Nepal for the purpose of informing parliamentarians, policymakers, political parties, civil society leaders, development partners, women, young people and the general public.

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Fact Sheet: Maternal Mortality in Nepal


This fact sheet was prepared by UNFPA Nepal for the purpose of informing parliamentarians, policymakers, political parties, civil society leaders, development partners, women, young people and the general public.

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Fact Sheet: Obstetric Fistula in Nepal


This fact sheet was prepared by UNFPA Nepal for the purpose of informing parliamentarians, policymakers, political parties, civil society leaders, development partners, women, young people and the general public.

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Fact Sheet: Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Nepal


This fact sheet was prepared by UNFPA Nepal for the purpose of informing parliamentarians, policymakers, political parties, civil society leaders, development partners, women, young people and the general public.

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