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5 May 2021

Trust the evidence: invest in midwives

Midwives deserve greater investment in their capabilities, and workplaces that empower them and fully acknowledge their skills and contributions.

5 May 2021
Press Release

New report sounds the alarm on shortage of midwives

The acute shortage of midwives is exacting a terrible global toll in the form of preventable deaths.

4 May 2021

Opening the lines to help pregnant women

When COVID-19 shut services down in Nepal, midwives set up an emergency hotline to keep women and girls connected during their pandemic pregnancies.

15 April 2021
Press Release

Nearly half of all women are denied their bodily autonomy, says new UNFPA report, My Body is My Own

Violations include rape, forced sterilization, virginity testing, female genital mutilation and more

27 March 2021

Ensuring adolescents continue to learn about sexual and reproductive health amid COVID-19

Many young people in Nepal have been devising new ways to ensure that adolescents continue to learn about gender norms and their sexual and... Read more

18 March 2021

छोरीलाई भन्दा छोरालाई बढी प्राथमिकता दिने कुसंस्कारको अन्त्य गरौं

नेपालमा जन्मदाको लिङ्ग अनुपात असन्तुलन देखिएको छ । यस अवस्थाको तीन मुख्य कारक — घट्दो प्रजननदर, लिङ्ग पहिचान प्रविधिमा सहज पहुँच र छोरीलाई भन्दा छोरालाई बढी प्राथमिकता दिने कुसंस्कार — हुन् । ... Read more

17 March 2021
Press Release

Disruptions in health services due to COVID-19 “may have contributed to an additional 239,000 child and maternal deaths in South Asia: UN report

Health services must urgently be restored and strengthened to contain the pandemic’s impact on the most vulnerable families

17 March 2021
Press Release

कोभिड–१९ का कारण स्वास्थ्य सेवा अवरुद्ध हुदाँ दक्षिण एशियामा थप २ लाख ३९ हजार बाल तथा मातृ मृत्यु भएको हुन सक्ने : राष्ट्रसंघीय प्रतिवेदन

अति जोखिममा रहेका परिवारमा यस महामारीले पार्न सक्ने प्रभाव नियन्त्रण गर्न स्वास्थ्य सेवा तुरुन्तै सुचारु तथा सुदृढ गरिनु पर्दछ

10 March 2021

Four Deputy Mayors' inspiring journey to becoming women leaders

This International Women’s Day, we celebrate women in leadership. Meet four women Deputy Mayors who are paving the way for a gender-equal society in Nepal: Kunti Saud Budha (Deputy Mayor of Khaptad... Read more

8 March 2021

Celebrate women leaders on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response and beyond

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, women have kept entire societies going, sustaining health systems as the majority of front-line workers, and... Read more
